Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Uni girls

We've decided to make date every month for dinner. How fantastic! And we're thinking of a little getaway in April. A weekend with the Queenies? Sounds totally fab!

Can't hear, won't see, better not say...

Don't see......

Stop it!!!!!

Mabel and Nat.

1 2 3 4, Hi Five

Now is that quaint or what? Talk about little women lol~

Oops... boob grabbing gone wrong.

Here's looking at you man..

Mabel and me.

Victorian styled pendant from Ning. So suits Nat!

Gorgeous stuff from Natasha!

Selling somthing Ning?

Whoops, someone's sleepy!!


Wow.. all those photoshoots have really paid off Ning! Dig that Voguesque pose!


Dentist check! Say aaah...

Little women :D

I love Mabel

Here we go again. 1...


Where'd the 5 go to? Shit. But nevermind... gorgeous babes Mabel and Nat

This picture is of course SUPER gorgeous babes lol!

Oooh matching.. Koeman from work assumed that I took it off just for the picture.. hmm, as if I'll have such bad taste to wear totally matching undies.. From darling Mabel.

Pssssst: Acutally, I really did wear matching fuchsia underwear!

Zann has the green one! Green for.....

Red hot and sweet..

The animal in you Ning...

An artistic shot?

ooookaaay. Now that cigarette looks weird..

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