Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Jon "Si Gina" the Intern

Hilarity never ends in MediaCorp, especially if you're from the promo and programming team. 10 hardy troops were well prepared for the hotpot buffet lunch treat, with loose clothing, for Jon, promo's intern. He's a darling lah this intern.

So as it seems, everyone was starving when we got there. I can only say one word. Whack! Plates of veggie and BEEF never ceased to arrive at our little room. The atmostphere was one of determined soldiers with one goal. To conquer. I swear we could have eaten the whole cow.

There were shouts and yells as photos were taken. I really meant taggable pictures for Facebook! All with mouth open and gobbling, greedy shots. I wasn't spared by Parker, whom I was mercilessly shooting with his mouth open and the spoon halfway in. It couldn't be helped you see, it was coinciding with the 1 minute interval that I was clicking away at everyone else. I suppose he finished his food at the wrong time.

So we had this brownie brought in and were made to yell birthday songs in 4 languages. The initial plan was to make Jon sing his own bloody song haha! He was literally begging us to help. Help like each person singing one word of the song. God knows when we will finish! I ate so much and stained my white top with chilli soup. Who cares! Food more important...

Happily, Benny, his boss took videos of the whole cake event. What a joke. It was the funniest thing ever. Including the manager of the restaurant who was hollering out Happy Birthday and holding a symphony with us, arms akimbo.

Si Gina and Benny

Mighty soldiers! The war is over! Immortality is YOURS!

Lol! The office is a madhouse. you see, I found a yellow foam ball from Melissa's cubicle and proceeded to take sole proprietorship of it. I was looking for every opportunity to yell "think fast" and aim as best as I could! ........ Benny was the first target! Somehow he managed to dodge my yellow ball of fire.

Of course nothing goes without a consequence. He threw a peach at me. Now, I have splatters of soup and peach on my clothes, as well as all over my cubicle. The force of the peach's impact on a solid block of lard caused a disastrous and fatal reaction to the peach. I still ate what's left anyway, thanks Benny! I know it was meant as a whole peach for me!

Afterwards, a trip to K-box where Benny and Jon were going all out singing! i'm deadbeat from laughing the whole day.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Anger Management

12 hrs and I'm still pissed off. And now I don't even know which is making me angrier.

I'm surrounded by imbeciles.

God help me

A Blank Mind ---- Anger

Anger is an extremely volatile emotion. As I am currently, right at this moment, exactly at THIS bloody moment feeling right now. It's 2.30am and I am gradually rising in fury. Makes me wonder if I should put myself in a straitjacket before I harm someone. Or rather someones.

In a few hours from now, I will be feeling desperation of loss. How am I going to solve this object of my fury. I haven't been angry for many years now. I've always tried to make myself genuinely likeable to people. Amazingly, people find me comical when I'm seeing red. And that usually makes me laugh, cos I really do like to laugh, I love to be happy. I never bring pessimism into my daily life. Eventually, my nature is being taken advantage of. Nobody knows anyone's limit to anger. I suppose nobody will want to.

You'll understand why anger should never be tolerated:

Anger make one unpredictable
Anger causes harm to oneself and others
Anger means that the person who caused it is a piece of shit
Anger brings out the worst in everyone
Anger makes you ugly inside
Anger makes the mind work in twisted ways
Anger has not got a limit
Anger makes me want to do something bad

I am furious.

I am at the point of serious damage mentally. My mental health is very important because I am not a smart person. If I were smarter, I would not succumb to it.

My fucking hands are shaking.

You see, I'm not really myself when I'm angry. I suppose it changes the perception of me.

I'm angry at myself more than I am angry at the object.

The way they play with your head with their petty little mind games. How I wish I could do something to stop these little mind games. Stupid little mind games. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel superior? Why? Is it because you can?

... are you afraid I'll bring you down to my level? Congratulations, you already are. Telling your little little mean things. Is it because I'm better? Or because you have to put me down to feel good. Am I disturbing your mind?

I'm not at loss yet. I suppose the shit has to end up in a shithole somewhere. I am the shithole. Why? Because I'm labeled as the outcast. Because I'm different. Not much different my dear, as you may see yourself in me. Maybe more than you think. You're not any better. Nobody is better than anybody else, except a person with anger.

Don't think badly of my family. There is no heritage of insanity in mine.

I can still feel my anger

My madness

The thing in me, it's rising

I am hurt, by the people I love

Because I love them, I am angry

Why am I angry? My hands are shaking. My bloody hands.

I am glad of one thing, I am alone now. Nobody can see me like this. This evil fit. This thing in me waiting to get out.

I've not wanted to do something bad in a long time.

Did you really think I'll never find out?

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Melissa's Last Week

Melissa has just moved herself to CNA and I'm miserable.

No more charging into her cubicle and staring into space

I'm already missing you so much

At the Pump Room. Hot as hell

God how I hate this weather. Should've taken off that decievingly thin lace top.

Mel, Hsin Ee, Tobias, Jean and me.

A farewell gift for you to enjoy on you next beach trip!

Melissa's last week at work

Dig Benny behind. He MUST be in the picture

Mel's farewell lunch. And Chris got caught in an unglam moment.

Desperate Housewives

The Showdown


Parental Guidance

Star Wuss pod race

Retard and the Sprinter

Beach Ball Babes??

Pushing Daisies!

Indestructible Booby Trap

Mid year is always the best time for me. Of course it comes after End year where there's Christmas and New Years and presents and cheer, and it also comes after Start year, that's when Chinese New Year comes along. Food and money and gambling. But still, Mid year is still my top 3 favourites.

Mid year for me in 2008 means I've been working at MediaCorp for close to a year already. I love my colleagues and my bosses.
It also means that I've known the Queens for 4 years already? Correct me darlings you know how my brain works.
Do you know that mid year babies are slightly off the hinge? I can totally say it's true. We have multiple personalities.

Actually is August considered mid year?

It's great having personalities disorder. I love my life!

Cheers everyone!